Hello all! 

An update into the saga of jobhunting is most certainly needed in this time. I am now a  full-time worker in a cozy little office in my new home town. Yes, not only did I get a job, I also got my own house! (Well rented, but you know what the economy is like)

I have to thank the lonely nights writing to my blog that urged me to find a place where I could hone my skills, with a friendly team in tow. I have to admit, this is the best job I have ever had and that is saying a lot, although it doesn't sound like it.

I admit, getting temporary work DID help me. It put something on my CV that my current company found interesting, and I didn't lie on my CV either. It shocked me that people could lie so easily on their CV, ref: Apprentice UK! I was truthful, honest, professional. That all helped.

If you need help writing your CV, then please find my post regarding the matter. I have gone into great detail on how to write it, and if it got me a job, then hopefully it'll get you a job. Or at least, a chance at a job.

The other post I would direct you to would be the temporary work one. I feel that temporary work, although it has a somewhat bad reputation, could really help you in getting a job. As long as you are honest to employers that it was temporary work to fill the gaps in your CV, there should be no problems. I am aware that if you have reems of temporary work, they may not want to know, but one, two or three temp jobs could be the gateway to getting a permanent, full-time job where you are happy.

So this is the end of my update and I hope I get to talk to you again soon. I might upload some more blog posts regarding things to do while looking for a job, and then I'll post what you should and shouldn't do in an interview. The hardest, trickiest part to securing that job is most certainly the interview!

Keep calm and don't forget, you are a valued member of society and you will find a job.

Speak soon!        

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