This is a question I have been pondering for a while, or at least all morning.

Last night I went mad with searching for a job while I was posting on my blog. I didn't realise it at the time but my laptop suddenly became the shining beacon of adverts. I really need to download AdBlock, but maybe I want to see these awful adverts. Lord knows they make me laugh.

Now, without even trying, I look at a website and suddenly I'm confronted with twenty different jobs I can apply for! This is along with the twenty other adverts that are trying to get me to buy miracle wrinkle cream or lose weight in seven days and suddenly look like a model.
Great, I thought, that will really help me-- but the jobs look interesting enough so hopefully something will be a hidden gem. 
It can give me a whole insight into places I wouldn't have even thought to look for a job. Wonderful!

Of course, it's too good to be true. I decided to test one of these adverts after seeing the thousandth one and suddenly I was on the shortlist for viagra trials. Now I know I'm looking for a job but I really don't think I'm the person to be testing viagra on. 

Maybe I should consider some scientific experiements as a job? I see adverts for drug trials all the time, offering something amazing. I don't really know if I want to offer myself to science though, much as it interests me. A nice, down to earth office job sounds wonderful (and slightly more realistic I think!)

Hopefully tomorrow is a better day, you never know in the world of job hunting and considering yourself for viagra treatment just to earn enough money to go out once a year.

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