Morning blog readers and job searchers! (Either that or you're the lucky one who has a career, which makes me question why you would be reading this? Career change? I might be able to help you with that!)

I'm not really sure what today is going to be about. I've looked for a job this morning but of course, who posts about needing people on a Sunday? Some people, I found, but not many. I'm going to have to back track my course of action and see if there are any websites I've missed.

There is always one. Always.

Anyway, I'm currently looking to move out of my current residence. Debating about it hasn't got me very far because each time I think about it I'm blocked by visions of granduer. I want that house on the other side of town, more in the countryside, that costs £2.2 million. Visions of the beautiful and wonderful garden, large kitchen for those naughty nightcaps and whatever else they want to show me to try and get me to dribble over myself. The reality is a lot more stark, however. At the current rate I'm going I would be lucky to afford a bedsit in a council estate. 

Some flats I've looked at are wonderful. £475 a month, in this area, seems to be the average. Although it could be cheaper-- it is elsewhere and don't I know that-- it could be more expensive. So I figure, nothing wrong with looking at something in that range. Quite a lot of studios... A lot of studios, actually. Not many one bedroom flats for that price.

So, being ever curious, I decide to look at the difference between a one bedroom house and a two/three bedroom house. Today, funnily enough, the Daily Mail posted an article online about the difference of a two bedroom house and a three bedroom house to rent. Apparently, the difference is £132. I think I wanted to weep. When I read it though, it became clear that it was in the posher end of the world and most likely London. 

After doing my own research, there is quite a stark difference between one bedroom and two. Personally, if it really came to it, I could make a one bedroom house into two (with some clever moving around and refurnishing). My mother made a two bedroom house into a three, although she did have to sacrifice the dining room.

With the figure of £475 set firmly in my mind, I'm going to ring some estate agents on Tuesday to see how it goes. I really do need to look at these properties... They could make them look wonderful, but really, it's a shed in someone's garden and they want nearly £500 for it. 

I do have a motive, however. After renting and saving, getting myself a job and becoming someone other than a blogger and a bum drinking beer on a bench, I do aim to buy a property before I get too old and too bogged into life to even think about it. I don't have the luck and fortune of a silver spoon, however, so I'm going to have to budget for everything. It's going to be tough, but reader, I'm going to make it out alive on the other side!

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